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Multiple Transports Configuration

Setting Up Multiple Transports

The Multiple Transports feature allows apps connected to SDL Core to start another connection over a different transport for certain services. For example, an app connected over Bluetooth can use WiFi as a Secondary Transport for video streaming. This guide will walk you through how to configure the Multiple Transports feature using the smartDeviceLink.ini file.

Initial Setup

Modify the following lines in smartDeviceLink.ini.

  • To enable Multiple Transports in Core:
MultipleTransportsEnabled = true
  • To set the available Secondary Transport types for a given Primary Transport:
SecondaryTransportForBluetooth = WiFi
;SecondaryTransportForUSB =
;SecondaryTransportForWiFi =

The values which can be used in the SecondaryTransportFor configuration are WiFi, Bluetooth and USB

Audio and Video Streaming

Modify the services map in smartdeviceLink.ini to restrict video and audio streaming services to specific transport types.

AudioServiceTransports = TCP_WIFI
VideoServiceTransports = TCP_WIFI, AOA_USB
  • Transports are listed in preferred order
  • If a transport is not listed, then the service is not allowed to run on that transport
  • If the AudioServiceTransports/VideoServiceTransports line is omitted, the corresponding service will be allowed to run on the Primary Transport

Secondary Transport Types

String Type Description
IAP_BLUETOOTH Bluetooth iAP over Bluetooth
IAP_USB_HOST_MODE USB iAP over USB, and the phone is running as host
IAP_USB_DEVICE_MODE USB iAP over USB, and the phone is running as device
IAP_USB USB iAP over USB, and Core cannot distinguish between Host Mode and Device Mode
IAP_CARPLAY WiFi iAP over Carplay wireless
SPP_BLUETOOTH Bluetooth Bluetooth SPP, either legacy SPP or SPP multiplexing
AOA_USB USB Android Open Accessory
TCP_WIFI WiFi TCP connection over Wi-Fi


For more information on how the Multiple Transports feature works, see the Feature Documentation.

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