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Customizing the Keyboard

Customizing the Keyboard (RPC v3.0+)

If you present keyboards in your app – such as in searchable interactions or another custom keyboard – you may wish to customize the keyboard for your users. The best way to do this is through the ScreenManager. For more information presenting keyboards, see the Popup Keyboards section.

Setting Keyboard Properties

You can modify the language of the keyboard to change the characters that are displayed.

KeyboardProperties keyboardProperties = new KeyboardProperties()
    .setLanguage(Language.HE_IL) // Set to Israeli Hebrew
    .setKeyboardLayout(KeyboardLayout.AZERTY); // Set to AZERTY


Other Properties

While there are other keyboard properties available on KeyboardProperties, these will be overridden by the screen manager. The keypressMode must be a specific configuration for the screen manager's callbacks to work properly. The limitedCharacterList, autoCompleteText, and autoCompleteList will be set on a per-keyboard basis when calling sdlManager.getScreenManager.presentKeyboard(...), should custom keyboard properties be set.

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