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Module Config

Module Config

The module configuration property contains information used to configure SDL Core for use on the current vehicle.


There is a limit for the number of notifications that can be displayed per priority level. The limit is instead based on notifications per minute. You can configure these in the notifications_per_minute_by_priority property which has a max array size of 5. The following are the available priority levels.

Property Type Description
EMERGENCY Number Number of emergency notifications that can be displayed per minute.
COMMUNICATION Number Number of communication notifications that can be displayed per minute.
NAVIGATION Number Number of navigation notifications that can be displayed per minute.
NONE Number Number of notifications without a priority that can be displayed per minute.
NORMAL Number Number of notifications with a normal priority that can be displayed per minute.
voiceCommunication Number Number of voice communication notifications that can be displayed per minute.

Policy Table Update Configurations

Periodically changes will be made to a Policy Table, either by the Policy Server or SDL Core. This means SDL Core should check for and perform a Policy Table update, which synchronizes the local and Policy Server Policy Tables. You can configure when SDL Core will check using the following configurations.

Property Type Description
exchange_after_x_ignition_cycles Number Update Policy Table after a number of ignitions.
exchange_after_x_kilometers Number Update Policy Table after a number of kilometers traveled.
exchange_after_x_days Number Update Policy Table after a number of days.

Preloaded Policy Tables

SDL Core can use a predefined Policy Table located locally on the vehicle's head unit. This is present to initially configure SDL Core as well as to enable the storage of vehicle data before a Policy Table update has occurred.

Property Type Description
preloaded_pt Boolean When true, SDL Core will use the local copy of the Policy Table.

Policy Table Structure Configurations

The policy table's structure is determined by the following configurations.

Property Type Description
full_app_id_supported Boolean When true, an app's fullAppID will be used in the app_policies section as it's key. If false or omitted, the short-form appID will be used.

Server Requests

All requests made directly by SDL Core or by proxy can be configured using the following attributes.

Property Type Description
timeout_after_x_seconds Number Elapsed seconds until a Policy Table update request will timeout.
endpoints Object Contains a list of endpoints (see below) that may contain a default or app-specific array of server endpoints.
seconds_between_retries Array A list of seconds to wait before each retry.


This section is a list of URLs that are used throughout the SDL lifecycle, such as Policy Table updates, module software updates, and lock screen imagery.

Property Type Description
0X07 Array A list of URLs that can be used for Policy Table updates.
0X04 Array A list of URLs that can be used to retrieve module software updates.
queryAppsUrl Array A list of URLs that can be used to receive valid apps for querying on iOS devices.
lock_screen_icon_url Array A list of URLs to image files which can be displayed by the application on the driver's device during lockout.
custom_vehicle_data_mapping_url Array A list of URLs that can be used for the OEM Network Mapping table.

Endpoint Properties

This section stores additional properties related to endpoints.

Property Type Description
custom_vehicle_data_mapping_url.version String The current OEM Network Mapping table version.

Vehicle Information

Vehicle identification information is stored in the module configuration portion of the Policy Table.

Property Type Description
vehicle_make String Manufacturer of the vehicle.
vehicle_model String Model of a vehicle.
vehicle_year String Year the vehicle was made.


An example of how the Module Config portion of a Policy Table might look.

Copied to clipboard!

"module_config": {
    "lock_screen_dismissal_enabled": true,
    "endpoints": {
        "0x07": {
            "default": [ "http://localhost:3000/api/1/policies/proprietary" ]
        "lock_screen_icon_url": {
            "default":[  "https://i.imgur.com/TgkvOIZ.png" ]
           "default":[ "http://localhost:3000/api/1/vehicleDataMap" ]
    "endpoint_properties": {  
        "custom_vehicle_data_mapping_url": {
    "exchange_after_x_ignition_cycles": 100,
    "exchange_after_x_kilometers": 1800,
    "exchange_after_x_days": 30,
    "full_app_id_supported": true,
    "notifications_per_minute_by_priority": {
        "EMERGENCY": 60,
        "NAVIGATION": 15,
        "voiceCommunication": 10,
        "COMMUNICATION": 6,
        "NORMAL": 4,
        "NONE": 0
    "seconds_between_retries": [ 1, 5, 25, 125, 625 ],
    "timeout_after_x_seconds": 60,
    "vehicle_make": "Ford",
    "vehicle_model": "F-150",
    "vehicle_year": "2015"
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