App services is a powerful feature enabling both a new kind of vehicle-to-app communication and app-to-app communication via SDL.
App services are used to publish navigation, weather and media data (such as temperature, navigation waypoints, or the current playlist name). This data can then be used by both the vehicle head unit and, if the publisher of the app service desires, other SDL apps.
Vehicle head units may use these services in various ways. One app service for each type will be the "active" service to the module. For media, for example, this will be the media app that the user is currently using or listening to. For navigation, it would be a navigation app that the user is using to navigate. For weather, it may be the last used weather app, or a user-selected default. The system may then use that service's data to perform various actions (such as navigating to an address with the active service or to display the temperature as provided from the active weather service).
An SDL app can also subscribe to a published app service. Once subscribed, the app will be sent the new data when the app service publisher updates its data. To find out more about how to subscribe to an app service check out the Using App Services guide. Subscribed apps can also send certain RPCs and generic URI-based actions (see the section Supporting Service RPCs and Actions below) to your service.
Currently, there is no high-level API support for publishing an app service, so you will have to use raw RPCs for all app service related APIs.
Using an app service is covered in another guide.
Apps are able to declare that they provide an app service by publishing an app service manifest. Three types of app services are currently available and more will be made available over time. The currently available types are: Media, Navigation, and Weather. An app may publish multiple services (one for each of the different service types) if desired.
Publishing a service is a multi-step process. First, you need to create your app service manifest. Second, you will publish your app service to the module. Third, you will publish the service data using OnAppServiceData
. Fourth, you must listen for data requests and respond accordingly. Fifth, if your app service supports handling of RPCs related to your service you must listen for these RPC requests and handle them accordingly. Sixth, optionally, you can support URI-based app actions. Finally, if necessary, you can you update or delete your app service manifest.
Please note that if you are integrating an sdl_ios version less than v6.3, the example code in this guide will not work. We recommend updating to the latest release version.
The first step to publishing an app service is to create an SDLAppServiceManifest
object. There is a set of generic parameters you will need to fill out as well as service type specific parameters based on the app service type you are creating.
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SDLAppServiceManifest *manifest = [[SDLAppServiceManifest alloc] initWithAppServiceType:SDLAppServiceTypeMedia]; manifest.serviceName = @"My Media App"; // Must be unique across app services. manifest.serviceIcon = [[SDLImage alloc] initWithName:@"Service Icon Name" isTemplate:NO]; // Previously uploaded service icon. This could be the same as your app icon. manifest.allowAppConsumers = @YES; // Whether or not other apps can view your data in addition to the head unit. If set to `NO` only the head unit will have access to this data. manifest.maxRPCSpecVersion = [[SDLMsgVersion alloc] initWithMajorVersion:5 minorVersion:0 patchVersion:0]; // An *optional* parameter that limits the RPC spec versions you can understand to the provided version *or below*. manifest.handledRPCs = @[]; // If you add function ids to this *optional* parameter, you can support newer RPCs on older head units (that don't support those RPCs natively) when those RPCs are sent from other connected applications. manifest.mediaServiceManifest = <#Code#> // Covered below
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let manifest = SDLAppServiceManifest(appServiceType: .media) manifest.serviceIcon = SDLImage(name:"Service Icon Name", isTemplate: false) // Previously uploaded service icon. This could be the same as your app icon. manifest.allowAppConsumers = NSNumber(true) // Whether or not other apps can view your data in addition to the head unit. If set to `false` only the head unit will have access to this data. manifest.maxRPCSpecVersion = SDLMsgVersion(majorVersion: 5, minorVersion: 0, patchVersion: 0) // An *optional* parameter that limits the RPC spec versions you can understand to the provided version *or below*. manifest.handledRPCs = [] // If you add function ids to this *optional* parameter, you can support newer RPCs on older head units (that don't support those RPCs natively) when those RPCs are sent from other connected applications. manifest.mediaServiceManifest = <#Code#> // Covered below
Currently, there's no information you have to provide in your media service manifest! You'll just have to create an empty media service manifest and set it into your general app service manifest.
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SDLMediaServiceManifest *mediaManifest = [[SDLMediaServiceManifest alloc] init]; manifest.mediaServiceManifest = mediaManifest;
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let mediaManifest = SDLMediaServiceManifest() manifest.mediaServiceManifest = mediaManifest
You will need to create a navigation manifest if you want to publish a navigation service. You will declare whether or not your navigation app will accept waypoints. That is, if your app will support receiving multiple points of navigation (e.g. go to this McDonalds, then this Walmart, then home).
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SDLNavigationServiceManifest *navigationManifest = [[SDLNavigationServiceManifest alloc] initWithAcceptsWayPoints:YES]; manifest.navigationServiceManifest = navigationManifest;
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let navigationManifest = SDLNavigationServiceManifest(acceptsWayPoints: true) manifest.navigationServiceManifest = navigationManifest
You will need to create a weather service manifest if you want to publish a weather service. You will declare the types of data your service provides in its SDLWeatherServiceData
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SDLWeatherServiceManifest *weatherManifest = [[SDLWeatherServiceManifest alloc] initWithCurrentForecastSupported:YES maxMultidayForecastAmount:10 maxHourlyForecastAmount:24 maxMinutelyForecastAmount:60 weatherForLocationSupported:YES]; manifest.weatherServiceManifest = weatherManifest;
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let weatherManifest = SDLWeatherServiceManifest(currentForecastSupported: true, maxMultidayForecastAmount: 10, maxHourlyForecastAmount: 24, maxMinutelyForecastAmount: 60, weatherForLocationSupported: true) manifest.weatherServiceManifest = weatherManifest
Once you have created your service manifest, publishing your app service is simple.
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SDLPublishAppService *publishServiceRequest = [[SDLPublishAppService alloc] initWithAppServiceManifest:<#Manifest Object#>]; [self.sdlManager sendRequest:publishServiceRequest withResponseHandler:^(__kindof SDLRPCRequest * _Nullable request, __kindof SDLRPCResponse * _Nullable response, NSError * _Nullable error) { if (error != nil || !response.success.boolValue) { return; } SDLPublishAppServiceResponse *publishServiceResponse = (SDLPublishAppServiceResponse *)response; SDLAppServiceRecord *serviceRecord = publishServiceResponse.appServiceRecord; <#Use the response#> }];
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let publishServiceRequest = SDLPublishAppService(appServiceManifest: <#Manifest Object#>) sdlManager.send(request: publishServiceRequest) { (req, res, err) in guard let response = res as? SDLPublishAppServiceResponse, response.success.boolValue == true, err == nil else { return } let serviceRecord = response.appServiceRecord <#Use the response#> }
Once you have your publish app service response, you will need to store the information provided in its appServiceRecord
property. You will need the information later when you want to update your service's data.
As noted in the introduction to this guide, one service for each type may become the "active" service. If your service is the active service, your SDLAppServiceRecord
parameter serviceActive
will be updated to note that you are now the active service.
After the initial app record is passed to you in the SDLPublishAppServiceResponse
, you will need to be notified of changes in order to observe whether or not you have become the active service. To do so, you will have to observe the new SDLSystemCapabilityTypeAppServices
using GetSystemCapability
and OnSystemCapability
For more information, see the Using App Services guide and go to the Getting and Subscribing to Services section.
After your service is published, it's time to update your service data. First, you must send an onAppServiceData
RPC notification with your updated service data. RPC notifications are different than RPC requests in that they will not receive a response from the connected head unit , and must use a different SDLManager
method call to send.
You should only update your service's data when you are the active service; service consumers will only be able to see your data when you are the active service.
First, you will have to create an SDLMediaServiceData
, SDLNavigationServiceData
or SDLWeatherServiceData
object with your service's data. Then, add that service-specific data object to an SDLAppServiceData
object. Finally, create an SDLOnAppServiceData
notification, append your SDLAppServiceData
object, and send it.
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SDLImage *currentImage = [[SDLImage alloc] initWithName:@"some artwork name" isTemplate:NO]; SDLMediaServiceData *mediaData = [[SDLMediaServiceData alloc] initWithMediaType:SDLMediaTypeMusic mediaImage:currentImage mediaTitle:@"Some media title" mediaArtist:@"Some media artist" mediaAlbum:@"Some album" playlistName:@"Some playlist" isExplicit:YES trackPlaybackProgress:45 trackPlaybackDuration:90 queuePlaybackProgress:45 queuePlaybackDuration:150 queueCurrentTrackNumber:2 queueTotalTrackCount:3]; SDLAppServiceData *appData = [[SDLAppServiceData alloc] initWithMediaServiceData:mediaData serviceId:myServiceId]; SDLOnAppServiceData *onAppData = [[SDLOnAppServiceData alloc] initWithServiceData:appData]; [self.sdlManager sendRPC:onAppData];
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let currentImage = SDLImage(name: "some artwork name", isTemplate: false) let mediaData = SDLMediaServiceData(mediaType: .music, mediaImage: currentImage, mediaTitle: "Some media title", mediaArtist: "Some artist", mediaAlbum: "Some album", playlistName: "Some playlist", isExplicit: true, trackPlaybackProgress: 45, trackPlaybackDuration: 90, queuePlaybackProgress: 45, queuePlaybackDuration: 150, queueCurrentTrackNumber: 2, queueTotalTrackCount: 3) let appMediaData = SDLAppServiceData(mediaServiceData: mediaData, serviceId: serviceId) let onAppData = SDLOnAppServiceData(serviceData: appMediaData) sdlManager.sendRPC(onAppData)
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UIImage *image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"<#Your image name#>"]; if (image == nil) { return; } SDLArtwork *artwork = [SDLArtwork artworkWithImage:image asImageFormat:SDLArtworkImageFormatPNG]; __weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self; [self.sdlManager.fileManager uploadFile:artwork completionHandler:^(BOOL success, NSUInteger bytesAvailable, NSError * _Nullable error) { // Make sure the image is uploaded to the system before publishing your data SDLLocationCoordinate *coordinate = [[SDLLocationCoordinate alloc] initWithLatitudeDegrees:42 longitudeDegrees:43]; SDLLocationDetails *location = [[SDLLocationDetails alloc] initWithCoordinate:coordinate]; SDLNavigationInstruction *instruction = [[SDLNavigationInstruction alloc] initWithLocationDetails:location action:SDLNavigationActionTurn]; instruction.image = [[SDLImage alloc] isTemplate:NO]; SDLDateTime *timestamp = [[SDLDateTime alloc] initWithHour:2 minute:3 second:4 millisecond:847]; SDLNavigationServiceData *navServiceData = [[SDLNavigationServiceData alloc] initWithTimestamp:timestamp]; navServiceData.instructions = @[instruction]; SDLAppServiceData *appServiceData = [[SDLAppServiceData alloc] initWithNavigationServiceData:navServiceData serviceId:@"<#Your saved serviceID#>"]; SDLOnAppServiceData *onAppServiceData = [[SDLOnAppServiceData alloc] initWithServiceData:appServiceData]; [weakSelf.sdlManager sendRPC:onAppServiceData]; }];
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guard let image = UIImage(named: "<#Your image name#>") else { return } let artwork = SDLArtwork(image: image, persistent: false, as: .PNG) sdlManager.fileManager.upload(file: artwork) { [weak self] (success, bytesAvailable, error) in guard success else { return } // Make sure the image is uploaded to the system before publishing your data let coordinate = SDLLocationCoordinate(latitudeDegrees: 42, longitudeDegrees: 43) let location = SDLLocationDetails(coordinate: coordinate) let instruction = SDLNavigationInstruction(locationDetails: location, action: .turn) instruction.image = SDLImage(name:, isTemplate: false) let timestamp = SDLDateTime(hour: 2, minute: 3, second: 4, millisecond: 847) let navServiceData = SDLNavigationServiceData(timestamp: timestamp) navServiceData.instructions = [instruction] let appServiceData = SDLAppServiceData(navigationServiceData: navServiceData, serviceId: "<#Your saved serviceID#>") let onAppServiceData = SDLOnAppServiceData(serviceData: appServiceData) self?.sdlManager.sendRPC(onAppServiceData) }
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UIImage *image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"<#Your image name#>"]; if (image == nil) { return; } SDLArtwork *artwork = [SDLArtwork artworkWithImage:image asImageFormat:SDLArtworkImageFormatPNG]; __weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self; [self.sdlManager.fileManager uploadFile:artwork completionHandler:^(BOOL success, NSUInteger bytesAvailable, NSError * _Nullable error) { // Make sure the image is uploaded to the system before publishing your data SDLWeatherData *weatherData = [[SDLWeatherData alloc] init]; weatherData.weatherIcon = [[SDLImage alloc] isTemplate:YES]; SDLWeatherServiceData *weatherServiceData = [[SDLWeatherServiceData alloc] initWithLocation:[[SDLLocationDetails alloc] initWithCoordinate:[[SDLLocationCoordinate alloc] initWithLatitudeDegrees:42.331427 longitudeDegrees:-83.0457538]]]; SDLAppServiceData *appServiceData = [[SDLAppServiceData alloc] initWithWeatherServiceData:weatherServiceData serviceId:@"<#Your saved serviceID#>"]; SDLOnAppServiceData *onAppServiceData = [[SDLOnAppServiceData alloc] initWithServiceData:appServiceData]; [weakSelf.sdlManager sendRPC:onAppServiceData]; }];
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guard let image = UIImage(named: "<#Your image name#>") else { return } let artwork = SDLArtwork(image: image, persistent: false, as: .PNG) sdlManager.fileManager.upload(file: artwork) { [weak self] (success, bytesAvailable, error) in // Make sure the image is uploaded to the system before publishing your data let weatherData = SDLWeatherData() weatherData.weatherIcon = SDLImage(name:, isTemplate: true) let weatherServiceData = SDLWeatherServiceData(location: SDLLocationDetails(coordinate: SDLLocationCoordinate(latitudeDegrees: 42.3314, longitudeDegrees: 83.0458)), currentForecast: weatherData, minuteForecast: nil, hourlyForecast: nil, multidayForecast: nil, alerts: nil) let appServiceData = SDLAppServiceData(weatherServiceData: weatherServiceData, serviceId: "<#Your saved serviceID#>") let onAppServiceData = SDLOnAppServiceData(serviceData: appServiceData) self?.sdlManager.sendRPC(onAppServiceData) }
If you choose to make your app service available to other apps, you will have to handle requests to get your app service data when a consumer requests it directly.
Handling app service subscribers is a two step process. First, you must register for notifications from the subscriber. Then, when you get a request, you will either have to send a response to the subscriber with the app service data or if you have no data to send, send a response with a relevant failure result code.
First, you will need to subscribe to GetAppServiceDataRequest
notifications.. Then, when you get the request, you will need to respond with your app service data. Therefore, you will need to store your current service data after the most recent update using OnAppServiceData
(see the section Update Your Service's Data).
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__weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self; [self.sdlManager subscribeToRPC:SDLDidReceiveGetAppServiceDataRequest withBlock:^(__kindof SDLRPCMessage * _Nonnull message) { SDLGetAppServiceData *getAppServiceRequest = message; // Send a response SDLGetAppServiceDataResponse *response = [[SDLGetAppServiceDataResponse alloc] initWithAppServiceData:<#Your App Service Data#>]; response.correlationID = getAppServiceRequest.correlationID; response.success = @YES; response.resultCode = SDLResultSuccess; = @"<#Use to provide more information about an error#>"; [weakSelf.sdlManager sendRPC:response]; }];
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sdlManager.subscribe(to: SDLDidReceiveGetAppServiceDataRequest) { [weak self] (message) in guard let getAppServiceRequest = message as? SDLGetAppServiceData else { return } // Send a response let response = SDLGetAppServiceDataResponse(appServiceData: <#Your App Service Data#>) response.correlationID = getAppServiceRequest.correlationID response.success = NSNumber(true) response.resultCode = .success = "<#Use to provide more information about an error#>" self?.sdlManager.sendRPC(response) }
Certain RPCs are related to certain services. The chart below shows the current relationships:
ButtonPress (OK) | SendLocation | |
ButtonPress (SEEKLEFT) | GetWayPoints | |
ButtonPress (SEEKRIGHT) | SubscribeWayPoints | |
ButtonPress (TUNEUP) | OnWayPointChange | |
ButtonPress (TUNEDOWN) | ||
ButtonPress (SHUFFLE) | ||
ButtonPress (REPEAT) |
When you are the active service for your service's type (e.g. media), and you have declared that you support these RPCs in your manifest (see the section Creating an App Service Manifest), then these RPCs will be automatically routed to your app. You will have to set up notifications to be aware that they have arrived, and you will then need to respond to those requests.
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SDLAppServiceManifest *manifest = [[SDLAppServiceManifest alloc] init]; // Everything else for your manifest NSNumber *buttonPressRPCID = [[SDLFunctionID sharedInstance] functionIdForName:SDLRPCFunctionNameButtonPress]; manifest.handledRPCs = @[buttonPressRPCID]; [self.sdlManager subscribeToRPC:SDLDidReceiveButtonPressRequest withObserver:self selector:@selector(buttonPressRequestReceived:)]; - (void)buttonPressRequestReceived:(SDLRPCRequestNotification *)request { SDLButtonPress *buttonPressRequest = (SDLButtonPress *)request.request; // Check the request for the button name and long / short press // Send a response SDLButtonPressResponse *response = [[SDLButtonPressResponse alloc] init]; response.correlationID = buttonPressRequest.correlationID; response.success = @YES; response.resultCode = SDLVehicleDataResultCodeSuccess; = @"<#Use to provide more information about an error#>"; [self.sdlManager sendRPC:response]; }
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let manifest = SDLAppServiceManifest() // Everything else for your manifest let buttonPressRPCID = SDLFunctionID.sharedInstance().functionId(forName: .buttonPress)! manifest.handledRPCs = [buttonPressRPCID] sdlManager.subscribe(to: SDLDidReceiveButtonPressRequest, observer: self, selector: #selector(buttonPressRequestReceived(_:))) @objc private func buttonPressRequestReceived(_ notification: SDLRPCRequestNotification) { guard let interactionRequest = notification.request as? SDLButtonPress else { return } // A result you want to send to the consumer app. let response = SDLButtonPressResponse() // These are very important, your response won't work properly without them. response.success = NSNumber(true) response.resultCode = .success response.correlationID = interactionRequest.correlationID = "<#Use to provide more information about an error#>" sdlManager.sendRPC(response) }
App actions are the ability for app consumers to use the SDL services system to send URIs to app providers in order to activate actions on the provider. Service actions are schema-less, i.e. there is no way to define the appropriate URIs through SDL. If you already provide actions through your app and want to expose them to SDL, or if you wish to start providing them, you will have to document your available actions elsewhere (such as your website).
If you're wondering how to get started with actions and routing, this is a very common problem in iOS! Many apps support the x-callback-URL format as a common inter-app communication method. There are also many libraries available for the purpose of supporting URL routing.
In order to support actions through SDL services, you will need to observe and respond to the PerformAppServiceInteraction
RPC request.
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// Subscribe to PerformAppServiceInteraction requests [self.sdlManager subscribeToRPC:SDLDidReceivePerformAppServiceInteractionRequest withObserver:self selector:@selector(performAppServiceInteractionRequestReceived:)]; - (void)performAppServiceInteractionRequestReceived:(SDLRPCRequestNotification *)notification { SDLPerformAppServiceInteraction *interactionRequest = notification.request; // If you have multiple services, this will let you know which of your services is being addressed NSString *serviceID = interactionRequest.serviceID; // The app id of the service consumer app that sent you this message NSString *originAppId = interactionRequest.originApp; // The URL sent by the consumer. This must be something you understand, e.g. a URL scheme call. For example, if you were YouTube, it could be a URL to play a specific video. If you were a music app, it could be a URL to play a specific song, activate shuffle / repeat, etc. NSURLComponents *interactionURLComponents = [NSURLComponents componentsWithString:interactionRequest.serviceUri]; // A result you want to send to the consumer app. NSString *result = @"Uh oh"; SDLPerformAppServiceInteractionResponse *response = [[SDLPerformAppServiceInteractionResponse alloc] initWithServiceSpecificResult:result]; // These are very important, your response won't work properly without them. response.success = @NO; response.resultCode = SDLResultGenericError; response.correlationID = interactionRequest.correlationID; [self.sdlManager sendRPC:response]; }
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// Subscribe to PerformAppServiceInteraction requests sdlManager.subscribe(to: SDLDidReceivePerformAppServiceInteractionRequest, observer: self, selector: #selector(performAppServiceInteractionRequestReceived(_:))) @objc private func performAppServiceInteractionRequestReceived(_ notification: SDLRPCRequestNotification) { guard let interactionRequest = notification.request as? SDLPerformAppServiceInteraction else { return } // If you have multiple services, this will let you know which of your services is being addressed let serviceID = interactionRequest.serviceID // The app id of the service consumer app that sent you this message let originAppId = interactionRequest.originApp // The URL sent by the consumer. This must be something you understand, e.g. a URL scheme call. For example, if you were YouTube, it could be a URL to play a specific video. If you were a music app, it could be a URL to play a specific song, activate shuffle / repeat, etc. let interactionURLComponents = URLComponents(string: interactionRequest.serviceUri) // A result you want to send to the consumer app. let result = "Uh oh" let response = SDLPerformAppServiceInteractionResponse(serviceSpecificResult: result) // These are very important, your response won't work properly without them. response.success = NSNumber(true) response.resultCode = .success response.correlationID = interactionRequest.correlationID sdlManager.sendRPC(response) }
Once you have published your app service, you may decide to update its data. For example, if you have a free and paid tier with different amounts of data, you may need to upgrade or downgrade a user between these tiers and provide new data in your app service manifest. If desired, you can also delete your app service by unpublishing the service.
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SDLAppServiceManifest *manifest = [[SDLAppServiceManifest alloc] initWithAppServiceType:SDLAppServiceTypeWeather]; manifest.weatherServiceManifest = <#Updated weather service manifest#>; SDLPublishAppService *publishServiceRequest = [[SDLPublishAppService alloc] initWithAppServiceManifest:manifest]; [self.sdlManager sendRequest:publishServiceRequest];
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let manifest = SDLAppServiceManifest(appServiceType: .weather) manifest.weatherServiceManifest = <#Updated weather service manifest#> let publishServiceRequest = SDLPublishAppService(appServiceManifest: manifest) sdlManager.send(publishServiceRequest)
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SDLUnpublishAppService *unpublishAppService = [[SDLUnpublishAppService alloc] initWithServiceID:@"<#The serviceID of the service to unpublish#>"]; [self.sdlManager sendRequest:unpublishAppService];
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let unpublishAppService = SDLUnpublishAppService(serviceID: "<#The serviceID of the service to unpublish#>") sdlManager.send(unpublishAppService)